A special kind of TDS - with a healthy dash of ‘I’m special, so look at me, listen to me, I know everything.’ TT4N&4G

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No better sight for my sad eyes than to see good ol Michael still trudging away, fighting the good fight!! I checked out for my sanity election night and just popped in a second off a notification. Everyone here is in my daily prayers. BELIEVE. I'm cheering you & our democracy on every day. Thank you, M❤️

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Canada watching

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Cause that’s what he is!

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Wants to run our country like a mafia crime boss!

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Maybe we can pick up this topic another time it was interesting

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Donnie's was looking for an example to follow that reminded him of his hero in the book on his nightstand Mien Kampf.

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Michael you're giving way too much credibility to a poll. People who are answering questions about Drumpf are on his side right of the bat.

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As far as Rubio being Secretary of State it's obviously an attempt to give the slightest bit of credibility to the cabinet after all of the woefully inept other nominees. It's to placate the rest of the republican senate in order for them to give the rest a pass no matter how ridiculous they are.

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You guys need get two broadbands from different isp and a dual WAN router. If either drops you don't lose connection

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