I fear that this country will never be the same again my fear began the day he came down the elevator 10 years ago and announced his desire to run for president. This country has not been the same since.

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It won’t be and it shouldn’t be. This should never ever happen again. Somebody, somewhere, is writing a bill to prevent this. We need to get SCOTUS term limits as well!

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I agree. I felt an impending sense of doom that day, as well. There was some relief during Biden's presidency, but U-No-Hoo was still there, constantly assaulting our senses for the duration. I foolishly thought that many of his supporters must have gotten wiser after his first term. I was so sure Kamala would win. I was devasted when she didn't. I sobbed for 3 hours which was accompanied by a deep sense of foreboding. I was deeply depressed for 3 weeks after. The emotional distress has been continuous since then and is starting to affect my physical health. I'm now 70, and on limited income from S.S. I already have multiple medical issues, and this has sent my body over the edge. After 5 days of a headache, I started shaking all over and ended up in the E.R. on Valentine's Day. Stay strong!

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Sorry about your health condition.

I take magnesium bisglycinate supplements but check with a doctor to see if you can take them to achieve calm.

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Things never stay the same..

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Yet would I be right in asking that in the end Cohen LOST? He lost with the McCarthy scandal at the end he was surrounded by gold with no respect hatred that would carry him past his grave. Trumps actions are cruel in all departments he may think he’s gained the power but I believe that those around him will turn on him for a dime. Everyday he gets deeper and deeper it’s not just America that hates him it’s the World. Sometimes I wonder if they ( Democrats) are letting him hang himself. It would be great that if every American that feels hopeless would find a place in their community and build this up from grassroots this is the answer to get out from this. Plans like “ booing” parties no matter where Trump goes people “ booing” him simple but effective. What are your thoughts?

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He craves attention, good or bad.. I don't think it will have much effect, but no harm trying

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Not enough oak trees left to hang them

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Think of Acts of Love.

acts of hate won't be the sollution but a smart plan can encompass the synergy of Love and hate.

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Think of how your founding fathers opinion would be on this.

The oligarchs on their million dollar yachts are shaking.

Violence is horrible and they fear it.

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Michael, thank you for your fearlessness against the cruel and ignorant MAGA's. I will have no pity for those who voted for Trump when they start whining about their pocketbooks being pinched.

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It really is starting to feel hopeless. I wish someone would step up and lead the resistance. It’s like we are all floundering and not getting anywhere. I’m just feeling really hopeless today. And tired.

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Im a Canadian radical all my life and all my accomplishments have been positive for Democracy.

Im a trench fighter.

Donny and I are the same age.

I'm inside his head.

Im comfortable with my 4D Political Analysis Monitor concept/prototype plan and smiling under my seriousness.

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A hard but necessary read. Cohn's influence was defeated but the chilling part is it's now on the global stage with looming nuclear answers. I know resistance is growing, but fear the inaction of our democratic leaders. The conquering will be over before we even wake up. Thank you for your insight.

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Powerful information Michael. I think Trump had you fooled in many respects as well. Clearly you knew he was flexing when you were with him, but he played the joker card on you. It sucks that it happened and I’m sorry. Yet still , many people do not see what he is doing. There will be many more Michale Cohen’s to play the joker card on.

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My grandpa, an FBI agent in NYC from WWII through the Cold War, had me read Citizen Cohn to understand what was happening in NY. Pops turned down a job from Donnie - who wanted him to go after the publishers of Spy Magazine. We both loved that magazine, especially for their parodies of Fordham dropout, Donnie. Pops was asked if he could at least refer them to someone who would take the job and he said nobody would and walked out while Ivana was screaming at florists.

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You must be so proud, Jason!! Wonderful story. IT must have always been so horribly revengeful. We in the tri-state have known what a loser IT has always been. I hope someday we won't hear IT's name anymore.

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Do we know what will happen with felon trumps remaining court cases? Will he be convicted again after his term expires? Will he be sentenced to jail time?

Personally, I’d like to see him sentenced to at least 12 years labor on a dingy in the Atlantic ocean. No oars or motors allowed.

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Seems reasonable


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Or at sea forever rowing on a slave ship like Judah Ben Hur in the movie.

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Read about Cohn and trump in a Vanity Fair interview.. maybe in the 1980s… it explains really everything perfectly

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Yeah I was reading Vanity Fair for decades instead of Rolling Stone

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Trump is just the front man for yhe oligatchs. He is taking advantage of them and vice versa. But the worst part is that he is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Russia. They recruited him in the 1980s!

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EXACTLY! and here is the "but" I often wonder, given his narcissism, is he hiding from himself (and all) the fact that he is homosexual as was his mentor. Could that be the deeply embedded impetus that drives him so hard? btw I'm not prejudiced.

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Analyzed as a pathological narcissist

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as is my d-i-l they are very similar.

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Super interesting to know the backstory

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I’ll never forget the first time I had ever heard of Roy Cohn. It was when he died and Andy Rooney did a whole commentary about him on the segment called “A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney” at the end of the show 60 Minutes. His segments were usually humorous social commentary, but this time it was a furious attack. He used words like despicable and evil. He told about all of Cohn’s hypocrisy and how he ruined countless lives with lies, hate, bigotry and fear. At the end he said that it was customary not to speak Ill of the dead, but to say anything good about Roy Cohn would be an insult to the memory of any good person that ever died.

If anyone can find it, or if CBS has it, it needs to be posted.

When I learned years ago that Cohn was Trump’s mentor, chills ran through me.

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Loved your live feed today with Malcolm!

Your take on Zelensky's oval office ambush was super interesting.

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Michael, thanks for speaking the truth. 💙

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He will never ever get enough attention, good or bad to fill the empty void of narcissistic need.As his niece Mary has said; Enough is never enough. someday, soon, I hope, the obvious choices he is making will be the final outcry for Amendment 25

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